
sensitive settings  |  creative solutions


By reading existing layers of memory, atmosphere and community we can write a meaningful next chapter - creative solutions which are conscious of the deep roots they grow from.

Donald Insall Associates - Proposal for The John Rylands Research Institute and Library

The John Rylands Research Institute and Library

Clandon Park following fire damage

Donald Insall Associates & Diller Scofidio + Renfro - Proposal for Clandon Park

Donald Insall Associates & Diller Scofidio + Renfro - Proposal for Clandon Park


historic buildings | considered repairs |  adaptive reuse


Looking beyond a building’s skin to learn from its structure or looking beyond a building’s  present to find lesser-known stories - whether repairing or adapting, designs can learn from what is beneath the surface.

Conservation works to The Palace of Westminster and Wentworth Woodhouse by Donald Insall Associates


one-off designs | targeted transformation


Small interventions can have an enormous effect on even the largest of buildings when designed to compliment the whole - if done well, new shoots can speak of the whole tree.

Donald Insall Associates - Timber frame extension to a private house

Donald Insall Associates - Shuttered concrete extension to a private house

Donald Insall Associates - Brick extension to a private house


feasible solutions |  complex contexts   


Mapping all conceivable opportunities and constraints of a site to inform ways in which it might grow - helping to materialise possible futures for places at risk of being lost.

Google Earth, Middleton, Rochdale

Donald Insall Associates - Feasibility study